Launch a Workflow

Workflow let you create a pipeline of subfeature by inputing an entry data, letting it pass through all the subfeatures and retreiving the result

Note: You can try Workflow on our developer portal and a description snippet will automatically get generated as you build your workflow


Schema: ocr --> automatic_translation --> summarize
In this workflow we pass a file as input, ocr parse the text, pass it to translate, and summarize will return a summary of the translated text


Depending on the first subfeature you have three choice for the inital input data: file, text or texts.

To create a workflow you have to pass an object to the description parameter, the object should look like this:

    "feature": "ocr",
    "subfeature": "ocr",
    "params": {
      "language": "auto-detect",
      "providers": "google"
    "feature": "translation",
    "subfeature": "automatic_translation",
    "params": {
      "source_language": "auto-detect",
      "target_language": "fr",
      "providers": "google"
    "feature": "text",
    "subfeature": "summarize",
    "params": {
      "providers": "openai"
  • description should be a list of nodes each node representing a subfeature.Inside each node, enter the desired feature and subfeature and its params. params are the parameters you should normally send to the subfeature as if you were doing a direct call but with a few constraints:
    • providers should take only one provider name, if you input multiple providers, the response of all the other providers will be ignored
    • file, text, texts shouldn't be present in params as these are initial inputs

Important!: description should be sent as a string since the content-type is a form-data

  • return_only_last allows you to chose wether you want a list of all the response returned by each providers or just getting the last response. If set to true the response will be the last subfeature result, if set to false the reponse will be a list of all subfeature results.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!